Sunday, June 08, 2008

Hot dogs!

Wow, it was hot today! I took Spot and Shelby to Boxboro for GBAEC practice. The temps were in the 90's with high humidity to go along. Thankfully there was some shade, but it was still pretty uncomfortable. Also there was a trough the dogs could immerse themselves in. Shelby was all over that! She was trying to dunk herself in the bowl of water I had for them to drink out of. Spot even got in, which is rare, so I know he was hot too. I even made sure to get photographic evidence!

I tried Shelby in IQ to see if last month's performance was a fluke or not. She wasn't as excited as she was last time, and we had to break the tunnel down and put the rats where she could see them, but she eventually warmed up to it. We needed to put the rat cage right up to the bars, then take out the bars and let her crawl through that opening as well. She did bark and growl and scratch, so I count that as success!

Spot was his usual perfect self. He is like a machine out there. I release him, he goes like a rocket into the tunnel, sometimes pops out the false exit, but then goes right back in and works until the rats are taken out. Then I don't even need to call him, he starts coming out on his own and usually comes out the false exit and comes to me. Everyone was like "wow, what a recall" which is nice, but I really take very little credit! For Spot, once the rats are gone, the main attraction is too, so why not get out of there?

Hopefully I will be able to go to practice next week in Gardner. The weather should be much better-in the 70's and Shelby can swim in the pond rather than the trough.


Jules said...

Hey Liz, It was nice to meet you in person. We won't be there next week but hope to see you at future training session!

Liz said...

Thanks Julie. It was nice meeting you too!