Saturday, July 25, 2009

From the NY Times-Little Dogs, Big Instincts

I came across this article from the NY Times back in 2002 talking about an earthdog trial in Harwinton, CT. It's not quite 100% accurate on what's required for each level, but still interesting.

Little Dogs, Big Instincts
Published: Sunday, November 17, 2002

ON a muddy field in Harwinton, several dozen people stood around with their dogs tucked under their arms. Others had dogs on leashes, or dogs in cages, or dogs that peered politely out of the windows of parked cars. Just a lot of people hanging around with their dogs doing nothing -- or so it seemed.

That is because all the action was set to take place underground where yapping little dogs would soon disappear into dirt tunnels and skitter around in search of rats in cages.

The dogs and their owners had come together for the annual Connecticut Earthdog trials last month on the grounds of the Scottish Terrier Club of New England in Harwinton.

The event, not exactly a spectator sport, is sanctioned by the American Kennel Club and is open to selected breeds, primarily small terriers and dachshunds.

There are four levels of Earthdog -- intro to quarry, junior, senior and master -- in which the tunnels get longer and more challenging. (Intro to quarry is not a title event.)

In the title events, the dogs have 30 seconds to enter and find their quarry at the end of a 30-foot tunnel that is 9 inches tall and 9 inches wide. The dogs must work the quarry, that is bark, scratch, growl and otherwise annoy the rats, for another minute.

During the process, a judge sits on top of the tunnel with a clipboard and a stopwatch and simply listens to evaluate the dog's activities.

The handler may give one command on release, then must stand quietly at the release point throughout the test.

''What's appealing is that the dogs need very little, if any, training,'' said Gordon Heldebrant, the American Kennel Club's executive field director for performance events. ''It's not uncommon to bring a dog with no practice or training at all and have him earn a passing score. It's all about instinct.''

One competitor, Arthur, is an 8-year-old West Highland white terrier owned by Kathleen May, who lives in Rocky Hill.

''These dogs were bred to hunt small animals that live underground, like rats and foxes and badgers,'' Ms. May said. ''They were used by farmers and orchard keepers to get rid of nuisance wildlife. They'd burrow underground, find their prey, and then bark until the farmer came.''

When Vanessa Fleming of Middletown sat her Lakeland terrier, Keaton, on the ground, the dog immediately went into a show-dog stance: head lifted, tail straight up.

''See that tail?'' Ms. Fleming said. ''The dogs are bred with thick, sturdy tails. A dog can be snatched out of harm's way by his tail.''

Simulated tunnel tests for fun and sport have been around for a long time. The Germans have been running such events for more than 100 years. The idea caught on in the United States in the 1930's.

The American Working Terrier Association started holding what it called den trials in 1972; the kennel club sanctioned the sport in 1994. Competitions are now held all over the United States.

As for the event, some people like to give their dogs a chance to practice. They build tunnels out of cardboard boxes or take their dogs to clubs that have permanent tunnels snaking through their grounds.

For competitions and practices, some clubs borrow rats from local pet shops, returning them unharmed (although perhaps a little excited). Some people raise their own rats, which become family pets as well as weekend quarry.

''Only once we had an animal control officer attend a test,'' Mr. Heldebrant said. ''He watched the event and the way we handled the animals, and he left the site without any problems.''

Digging the tunnels for the competition is a formidable job, as John and Joyce McNabney of Harwinton, the hosts of the Earthdog trials this year, know all too well. They are do-it-your-selfers.

''Some people have a backhoe come in and do it,'' Ms. McNabney said, ''but we think it's all part of the experience. If the dogs have to work, we can, too.''

Jo Ann Frier-Murza, a retired wildlife biologist and author of the book ''Earthdogs In and Out,'' said, ''I think once people attend an Earthdog event, they see their dogs differently.''

She also runs classes and practice events for Earthdog enthusiasts on her farm in Crosswicks, N.J.

''After an introduction to Earthdog tests, owners see their dogs as animals with natural instincts, not pets or toys,'' she said. ''Instead of just taking their dog along with them when they go places, they might actually consider what the dog would like to do. Sort of the way a parent would take a child to a soccer game or a birthday party.''

Mr. Heldebrant said that people do not generally think of terriers and dachshunds as hunting dogs.

''People wouldn't think of leaving a Golden Retriever closed up in a room or tied up in a small yard all day, but they do that to a terrier and then can't figure out why the dog was yapping all day or digging up the carpeting,'' he said. ''Terriers were bred to be active and dig and bark; they need the same stimulus as the larger dogs.''

Mr. Heldebrant added, ''They were bred to work alone.''

That is unlike sporting dogs, who work alongside their masters and are commanded to retrieve.

Since some owners spend hours training their dogs not to bark and not to chase after small animals, sometimes the dachshunds and terriers are reluctant to follow their instincts.

''At his first Earthdog test, Arthur just sat and stared at the rats,'' Ms. May said.

In the intro to quarry class, the tunnel is only 10 feet long. Judges can direct the dog to the den's entrance (which is scented with rat urine) and get the dog's interested in the rats by shaking or tapping on the cage.

The dog must reach the quarry within two minutes and then work the quarry for 90 seconds in order to qualify for the higher categories.

The Master Earthdog test works two dogs at a time. There are two entrances to the den; one is blocked and the dogs must find the rear entrance. The dogs must find and work the quarry one at a time. The nonworking dog is staked a few feet away and must watch with interest but not cause a distraction. Both dogs must work the quarry and act as ''honoring dog'' in order to qualify for a Master Earthdog title. There are no cash prizes.

Alice Carter from Stamford is hoping her dachshunds, Julia, Rory and Schatzi, will earn titles some day. ''They already have obedience and agility titles,'' she said.

If they earn Earthdog titles, they can compete in the Dachshund Club of America's triathlon in May in Syracuse.

Carol Perkins of Manchester, a judge at the introductory level, said: ''It's the one performance event where the dogs don't get ranked or compete against one another. There has been talk about creating some sort of ranking so that dogs who get to the master's level have something to shoot for.''

But Ms. Perkins hopes that never happens. ''I like the atmosphere the way it is,'' she said.

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