Sunday, June 28, 2009

Annual Physicals

I took Spot and Shelby to the vet on Friday for their annual exams and heartworm tests, and Shelby needed her rabies shot.

Spot hates the vet. He gets really agitated and barks a lot. Shelby of course is fine with everything. She whined a tiny bit when she got a shot but that was it. Both Spot and Shelby have lost a pound since last year, which is good. Shelby weighs 17.7 and Spot weighs 20.2. When I got Spot he was about 18 pounds and then went way up to 23. Shelby was up to about 20 as well I think. I feed them 1 cup of food per day, and I've cut back on treats, mainly because I can't afford to buy that many any more. So really all they get is the occasional bone and their treats at training, which is usually string cheese and ham cubes.

The kicker was the cost. $362!!!! The exam was $65 each, the heartworm tests $47 each, the lepto shot $24 each and then the rabies was another $45. Thank goodness they are generally healthy.

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