Monday, July 21, 2008


Sunday we had earthdog practice in Boxboro. It was a hazy, hot and humid day. It didn't seem too bad when we started at about 10, but it got progressively more oppressive as the day went on. Thank god the sun wasn't full yout, or it would be been over 100 degrees I think.

I treid Shelby in IQ again. Honestly, she doesn't do as well when we train with Nancy-she does better with Gloria. I guess I feel like Nancy rushes. I would have worked her a couple more times. She worked the rats, but hesitates going into the tunnel, so I might contact Carolyn and see if we can do a 30 minute session with her rat.

Spot did well in SE. He went into the tunnel like a rocket-no issues this time with bouncing out. He came out the false exit, but turned right around and went back in and worked the rats the full time. When I did the recall, he was a little slower. He came out the false exit, but because of the layout, I couldn't go around and grab him, so I called him through the tunnel and he came out the exit. I wasn't sure if I could keep calling, but they said yes, you can call as much as you want, and once he's above ground you can go over and grab him. So I have high hopes for next weekend!

In this photo, the person on the right is at the entrance, and the people on the left are at the rats. The tunnel kind of goes straight, then left, then right, then left. :-)

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