Monday, December 04, 2006

Flyball disappointment

Well, I dragged myself out of bed at 7 am again last Sunday to go to flyball. Again, it was a disappointing day. It seems lately, the team never has all the equipment with them, etc. It used to be we had two lanes set up, so the experienced dogs could practice on one, and the new dogs on the other. Lately, we've only had one lane and one box. One time, we had one box and only 2 jumps. So Spot and Shelby each only got one turn on Sunday, which is really not worth my time of getting up early, driving 25 minutes there, then being there for 2 hours, not really doing much, then packing up and driving 25 minutes home. I know they are hosting a tournament next weekend, so they are probably wrapped up in that, but it's really not fair to me, when I'm paying them for lessons. If this continues, I'm going to have to contact another team to see if I can learn from them.

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