Monday, November 27, 2006

Petedge, how I love you...

Thank god for the Petedge outlet in Woburn. They have really good prices in their catalog, but at the outlet, the prices go way down. And you all know how I love a bargain! Today I got 10 of these Halloween themed toys for $4, total. They were $.40 each! They cost $1.89 each in the catalog. Amazing. I've learned my lesson and try to get toys without a lot of stuffing, because that is the first to go. Spot and Shelby like toys they can play tug with, and these stretch in the middle.

Also I got 2 packages of pressed rawhide bones for $1.29 each. There's 4 bones in each pack, so those were only $.32 each! The pressed bones last a lot longer than the rawhide pieces, and there's less chance that they would bite off a big hunk and get an intestinal blockage or something.

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