Sunday, November 09, 2008

Progress turns into frustration

Well, today it was a really nice day and I had planned ahead and purchased more chicken wire and wooden stakes so I could finally make the fence more secure. Shelby had been jumping one section of the fence, and I had put up chicken wire there, but I realized there were 2 other sections that needed help too.

I had pretty much finished up on the fence, so I decided to let Shelby off the long lead. Things were going well until my neighbor came over and said hello, and asked if both the dogs were out. I said yes, why? It was a weird question. So then he says, "oh, then I guess this is one of yours right here." IN HIS YARD!!!! Somehow Shelby had found a different spot and got out. It was a rotted spot near the ground that she was able to queeze through.

I go running in the house, grab a leash and some treats and go out to the street. Thankfully my neighbor saw where she was, just down the street. She was digging in something and I was able to walk up and offer her some treats and get her on leash.

I was feeling really good, then BAM! brought right back down. I have some pieces of fence that need to get replaced, but I really don't have the money right now, so I have to make due with chicken wire and strategically placed rocks. Ugh.

One positive note: I found Shelby's collar that I thought was lost forever. Now I don't need to go get a new rabies tag.

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