Saturday, November 22, 2008

A fun Friday night

Last night Spot and Shelby both had class and for the first time in a while I was able to leave work at 5 and wasn't totally stressed out before I even got there.

Spot's class was good. It was only Spot and Molly. We worked on the various obstacles and then did a sequence. Spot is really motivated, which is nice, but he's so eager he just takes obstacles on his own. I guess I don't have to worry about independent obstacle performance! We are working a bit on proofing his contacts. Last night I noticed that he tended to break his stay when I would lean away from him, so I'll have to work on that.

When we did the sequence he had a hard time going from jump 1 to jump 2 because it was a 90 degree turn. So we worked on that. He's doing well on front and rear crosses.

In Shelby's class we had Ben, Lilly and Skippy. Shelby loves Ben and he loves her. So we have to keep an eye on them or they will start playing. Shelby was also trying to get Lilly to play.

The course was pretty easy, with one tricky section at the opening. Our first time, Shelby wasn't really paying attention and I was trying to go fast, so I wasn't supporting her at certain points and it was just not pretty. The second time through Shelby was more settled and paid attention more and we did well.

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