Saturday, April 19, 2008

What a wake up!

My plan was to sleep in this morning. Well, the dogs wanted to go out around 8, so no problem. I left them out and go back to bed. After a few minutes I hear Shelby making this excited whining noises, so I go look, and I see Shelby, but no Spot. Then I see Spot running through a neighbor's yard. I run in and put on some clothes then grab a leash. By the time I get over there, Spot is running in the yard, and he comes over and I put the leash on. Then this guy comes over and starts yelling at me about how Spot attacked his cat and his mother, biting her face! I was freaking out. Turns out what happened is that the woman let her cats out, and Spot saw them and burrowed under the fence. The cats ran home, Spot chased them up onto the porch. The woman heard them and opened the door to get her cat. Spot came in too and had the cat by the neck. When she separated them she got scratched on the face. Thankfully she came out and I was able to talk to her. From the look of it, her cat scratched her. Spot didn't have and blood or anything on his paws. I gave them my name and number just in case, but I hope nothing comes of it. I went out in the yard and put some chicken wire up in a couple of places to make it more escape-proof.
One good thing did come out of it. Since I was already up, I went to the 9:30 power dance class at the gym and it was a lot of fun.

PS. I got a call from Animal Control on Monday morning. The woman went to the police! She said she was concerned that my dog wasn't secure because her grandchildren come over frequently and she was worried Spot might get out again and hurt them. So I got in trouble for not having him licensed yet this year, but she didn't fine me, which was nice. So now I have to be sure and get their applications in this week along with the proof of rabies vaccination and it should be fine. I told the officer that I had secured the weak area of the fence and she seemed happy about that. Hopefully this is the end of it!

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