Monday, April 07, 2008

Things that go bump in the night

Lately, Shelby has been waking me up in the middle of the night to let her out. Normally if I have let her out before bed, I ignore it. But I've been slacking, so I've been getting up to let her out around 3-4 in the morning. I don't really mind, except when she starts barking at something. I don't think my neighbors appreciate that either, although one of them gets up at 4am to do a paper route, which I think it sometimes the reason Shelby wakes up at all.

Anyway, the other night I opened the door and outside the fence I saw a glimpse of an animal. It had a big fluffy tail and was white, so I assumed it was a cat. The next morning, Shelby was pacing around and trying to poke her head through the fence to get at something on the ground.

I went over to check and saw a dead bird. Then I took a closer look and got freaked out because the bird had NO HEAD!!!! It was totally gone. It looked like it got chopped off. So of course I had to take a photo. My neighbors must think I'm weird.

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