Friday, April 18, 2008

Spot's last session of beginner agility at Gemini

Last night was the 6th and last session of beginner agility for Spot. We worked on front and rear crosses on the flat and over a jump. Spot doesn't quite get rear crosses over a jump, so I need to work on that at home. Plus, he's not very good at getting into position and staying there. He wants to do something now! So he's always moving. I need to work on that as well. Front crosses are no problem.

We also started backchaining the contacts. Spot is already pretty familiar with this, and I've been practicing having him stay at the contact until I release for a while. Now I need to start having him stay at the contact when I am in various positions, not just beside him.

We also started rear crossing tunnels. I had started doing this already also, when we were working on the tunnel as a station. Spot was doing pretty well getting this as well, but he did pop out the wrong end once or twice.

So we start advanced beginner next week! Unfortunately we will miss 3 of the classes because I have plans one night and then 2 sessions will be while I am on vacation, but that's ok.

I have to say, it seems like all the dogs in class are doing really well. None of them seem to have issues with any of the equipment. Although, we haven't introduced the teeter yet! And a couple of them did get nervous when all the daycare dogs started barking at one point.

Spot has gotten a lot better with the barking. He's gotten used to the other dogs in class and pretty much ignores them, which is great!

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