Monday, January 22, 2007

A Busy Doggie Weekend

On Saturday, we went for a quick walk at Willard's Woods with Holly and Cara. The wind chill was bad...but the dogs didn't seem to mind.
Later that afternoon, Spot and I had earthdog class, which went very well. We made the tunnels longer, with more turns, and he wasn't bothered at all. He just motored through to the rats and worked like a champ!
On Sunday, Shelby and I visited my brother Jim in Fall River. Shelby met Hugo, my brother's dog. It went ok, but Hugo is very big and excitable, and wasn't really paying attention to Shelby's signals that she wasn't interested in playing, so she actually growled and snapped at him a couple times, when he was head butting her to get her to play with him.
After that excitment, we were off to an agility seminar at Canine Mastery in Seekonk, MA. On the way there, I realized we were only a few miles away from Shelby's breeder. Too bad-I would have liked to take her back and see her reaction.
The agility seminar was good. It was mostly on handling and cueing for the owners, not really any obstacle techniques for the dogs. I did pretty well. I didn't really get too many corrections. Some people have a hard time giving the cues fast enough for the dog to be able to respond. I guess since Shelby is slower, I have plenty of time!
It was definitely a good experience to see if Shelby would perform in a new place and for me to experience some butterflies, so I can know how to handle it when I'm at a trial.

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