Monday, October 09, 2006


Yesterday Shelby had her first flyball class. Unfortunately it was at 8am. Ugh. Who would have ever thought I would get up that early for my dogs? It seems like all the trials and things start around 8 am and are usually about an hour away. Thankfully this class is only about 20 minutes away at that time in the morning.

The Weston Whirlwinds, a local flyball club, offer 6 weeks of lessons held at the same training center where I take Shelby for obedience and agility. ( I think she was a little surprised when we got there and the agility equipment wasn't set up!

I took Spot to flyball classes last winter, and he loves it, so I figured I might as well give Shelby a shot too. Shelby did very well running and jumping over the hurdles. She wasn't super interested in chasing the ball-well she chased it a bit, but didn't pick it up and bring it to me, so we'll be working on that this week.

Spot was super excited to be there. We haven't been at all this summer because the team has tournaments and we've been at Earthdog trials, but he didn't forget anything he learned before. He picked up right where we left off. He even got his swimmers turn a little better-he was actually jumping on the box with all 4 feet, which is great!

I'll see if I can get someone to take some pictures next week.
Here is a really good video from a tournament in TX, where you can really see all the elements involved.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

Wow! That's pretty hyper! Any movies of Spot?