Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Flyball again

Well, this Sunday flyball was not so great.
Spot regressed and didn't do the turns all that well. But he is still very enthusiastic. When we first started, he would get all revved up, but not really understand how to channel it into running and getting the ball. He would get all jumpy when I would try and handle him. Now he gets it and sometimes I barely get a chance to set up before he's off on his own.
Shelby was distracted by all the other dogs. The way it is set up, they have two runs next to each other. The beginner run has fencing around it, but the other one doesn't. Shelby is small enough to jump through the holes in the fencing, which she did while a Yorkie was practicing on the other run. She actually got aggressive and was growling at the other dog, which Shelby has only done once before. It does happen every once in a while at flyball practice, so no one freaked out or anything. But Shelby couldn't really recover, so we only practiced the recall, having her chase me, which she is really good at. ;-)
We have no practice for 2 weeks, so I should be able to get in some training with retrieving the tennis ball.


Tracey said...

Yay! Nice to see you're posting. :)

I think having two dogs must be similar in someways to having two kids. I really want to take them swimming, but have no idea how to deal with them both in the water. So, I'm impatiently waiting until they are older. I think Rowan would love swimming. Harriet did, but she hasn't gone in ages.

Do both dogs to go Flyball? What do you do with the one that's not playing?

Liz said...

Yes, I've promised myself that I would keep it up.
When we go to flyball I bring a crate that they can both fit in, and take them out one at a time to practice. Of course, the one left behind doesn't like it too much! It is quite a challenge to get one out at a time, but they should get used to it.