Sunday, August 09, 2009

Spot goes back to class

On Thursday I took Spot to class to see if he remembered anything. If he didn't, I wouldn't enter him in the Gemini Dog CPE trial in a couple weeks. Surprise-he remembered!

We actually ended up having a private lesson because no one else showed up. That day Alice had e-mailed me to tell me she wasn't going to be going to class at Gemini anymore. I don't know if the training philosophy was really working for her.

We warmed up with some jumps and some contacts, then worked on lead outs. We first had a lead out of 2 jumps to the dog walk. We worked it on the left and the right. Spot was really good, letting me lead out all the way to the dog walk. I stood at the dog walk and released him over 2 jumps, and made sure I was in a position where he needed to go around me to straighten up onto the dogwalk. He did great on both sides.

Then we worked 2 jumps to the A frame. I lead out to the second jump. I had to use a cue of no forward motion to indicate that he should turn to the A frame, along with calling his name. I kept messing up by standing still, but then not moving toward to A frame once he had taken the second jump. But we got it after the third time. Overall it was a goof class. I decided to enter Spot in Standard, Wildcard and Fullhouse.

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