Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Shelby and the Squirrel

Ok, now I didn't actually see what happened, but I can guess.

I let the dogs out into the yard this morning, and I usually take a peek to see what they are doing when I let them out. I walked over to the window and the first thing I see is Shelby with a squirrel in her mouth. I couldn't believe it! It was a big one-she could barely carry it. I didn't hear any kind of scuffle or chase, so she must have surprised it.

And then she carried it around the yard very carefully looking for a place to stash it. She wouldn't come in until I bribed her with treats. Even then, she wouldn't drop it outside, so I let her bring it into the house. Then she dropped it and I swooped in while she was occupied with the treat and grabbed it. I have to say it was heavier than I expected. There was a little bit of blood, but it wasn't torn apart, so Shelby probably grabbed it and shook it and broke its neck. I bagged it and put it in the trash.

Poor squirrel.

1 comment:

Jules said...

Oh wow! Well, hopefully she'll turn on to ED - she obsiously has the skill set!