Sunday, March 22, 2009

Friday night classes

I went back to class Friday after skipping the past 2 weeks. My enthusiasm has been waning lately, but we have a couple of trials coming up, and I will be entering Spot, so maybe that will perk me up.

Spot's class went well. There were 3 of us there. We started late, as usual. I don't really mind, but that pushes the next class late, and the instructor gave us a hard time about taking too much time and going over class time.

Spot is doing well on all the obstacles, but I think he has weave blindness. He just doesn't seem to see them as an obstacle. If I position him and cue them, he takes them, but not on his own the way he does the teeter or jumps. I'm going to practice clicking going through the 2 poles and see what happens. We did a little sequence at the end, and we had to do a front cross after a tunnel, and all the other handlers we told to be sure and run up ahead to get it in, but then I get the opposite advice to stay beind! It's funny, with Shelby, she likes me to be ahead and chase me, but with Spot, he likes to charge ahead, so I'll have to be cueing much earlier I think. He definitely is one of those dogs who will cue off a shoulder turn or some little teeny motion. Should be fun!

Shelby was very exited to be at Gemini, but we we got out on course she was strange and distracted. She sniffed some things and didn't take cues. At one point she took a jump, then instead of coming around, she crawled under the bar to sniff something! Everyone had a good chuckle. Later someone told me there was a seminar or somethere there last weekend, so there were probably a lot of new smells around.

All in all, it was an ok night. It felt good to be back in class.


Jules said...

Do you think you'll enter Shelby in IQ or have you already done so?

I have a boatload of agility coming up, so I think I wouldn't be ready until the end of the season ED trials - if at all! :-)

Liz said...

I'm not sure-haven't really decided.
I will probably see how she is in some practice sessions first.