Sunday, February 01, 2009

Back to agility class finally

Last night I finally got back to agility class. I haven't been in a month. On the 9th I had my company holiday party, then on the 16th I had to work late, then on the 23rd I had injured my hand so I couldn't go.

Spot's class was fine. I don't really feel like we're progressing. We do the same thing every week. However, I do need to practice more sequences with him. He's actually faster than Shelby I think, and my timing is all off.

Shelby's class was really fun. It was a challenging course with several serpentines, so you had to run fast and have good timing. My first time through, I would say I did 75% correctly as far as positioning. For 2 of the serpentines, I put in front crosses because Shelby is faster than me and I thought it would work better. But I was actually able to do the serpentines the second time.

I have to say I still really don't feel the whole blind cross body line thing for serpentines. I'm always feeling like I'm going to trip by turning my feet all the way around. And I feel like it slows me down exactly when I need to be nimble. I suppose with more practice I'll get better at it.

I was very happy with Shelby's weaves. We had 6 poles and I did a front cross after and it didn't phase her at all. She finished the weaves and read the front cross to the next jump perfectly. So I'm pretty confident in her weaving, even though the learning part took forever.

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