Saturday, January 12, 2008

Back to Earthdog Class for Spot

Today was the first session in Spot's new earthdog class. Since he got his Junior earthdog title last August, now he gets to move up to Senior class. At the senior level, the tunnel is longer, and it has a "false den" where they put some smelly rat bedding in the hope of slowing the dog down. There's also a "false exit" where the dog can come out, but again, it wastes time. Senior also requires the dog to work for 90 seconds, which is 30 seconds longer than junior. You also have to call the dog to leave the tunnel, unlike junior, where they open up the tunnel and you can grab them and take them out. Luckily in senior, they remove the rats from the tunnel before you call them, and for a dog like Spot, there's no use being in the tunnel if the rats are gone, so he naturally comes out on his own.
Spot did really well today. He wasn't tempted by the false exit-he booked it to the rats and worked them like a pro. When we removed the rats, he came right out. The only hitch is getting him to come to me, instead of looking around to see where the rats went!
Unfortunately we won't be back for a few weeks, since there's no class next week and I have an agility trial the week after.

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