Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My Christmas Wish

For 2008, I hope that Shelby stops eating things!
Every time I think she's stopped, and I relax my standards, she eats something she shouldn't, or tears something up.

A couple of weeks ago, she ate some plastic fasteners off my jacket when I left it hanging on the back of a chair.
Then I was cleaning up and getting rid of some books that had been on the bottom shelf of the coffee table for a year (totally accessible to pups) and she tore up one of those when I moved them to the top of the table.
She got onto the dining room table and unraveled a bolt of ribbon.
Yesterday was the kicker. I came home from dinner and she had managed to find some chocolates hidden deep in a bag of other random things and ate about 15 pieces of chocolate.
Don't worry, she's fine.
You would think she has nothing else to do!

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