Sunday, December 16, 2007

ARFF Christmas Party

Last weekend was the ARFF agility club Christmas party. I mainly went because it was held at the same place the seminar was, and we're signed up for a trial there in Jan and I wanted to make sure Shelby didn't have any bad associations. It was a pot-luck lunch, and we set up a course just for fun. I don't really know many people yet, so it was a little weird, but I did talk to some people. Shelby was good with all the other dogs, who were mostly very excited and riled up. There was one sheltie who didn't like Shelby sniffing her butt, so there was a little growling, but it gave me a chance to correct the behavior.
They also had a raffle with prizes for the dogs and the people and Shelby and I both won!
We ran the course one time and I was very pleased that we did very well. Shelby was attentive and even did 12 poles!

1 comment:

Gette said...

He is quite the ham... Spot is looking good!