Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Busy Weekend

This weekend was all about the dogs. On Saturday we were at All Dog's Gym for a CPE agility trial and Sunday we went to a New England Terrier Club earthdog fun day.

On Sat, Spot was entered in Snooker level 2, Fullhouse level 3 and Wildcard level 2. Snooker was first. It was a pretty easy course. The 7 obstacle was a combo of a jump and a tunnel. My plan was to do 7 twice and 6 once in the opening. It started out red, 7, but Spot ran around the jump part of the 7 obstacle, so I had to call him back, but then he took the next red, and then 6 jump, then a red, and then the 7 combo. The 2 obstacle was the tunnel, which was bidirectional in the opening and the closing, but the way we did it, Spot took the tunnel as part of 7, then I had him turn around and go back in, which worked fine. The closing was a big circle, so the flow was really nice, and we were able to run fast, which Spot likes. We got 50 points and first place. One question that came up for me (when scribing Snooker 3, 4, 5, C) was that people faulted the combo color, but just got a zero and were able to keep going. In May at the Act Up trial, I did the same thing but got whistled off...which I think was incorrect.

Next was Fullhouse. It was all levels together. Spot does better with contacts, but contacts take longer to complete, so it definitely was something I had to keep in mind when planning our course. Generally I like to do back to back tunnels when possible, and in this case there were 2 chances to do that, but I realized we could get the same number of points faster by doing the tire back to back, so that's what we did. The course was jump to the A frame, which I led out to, then 2 jumps, which Spot ran around the second one, so I called him back. In hindsight, I should have kept going, just for timing sake. Then I did a tunnel back to back, a front cross to the dog walk, then the tire 2x and a jump, and then we headed to the table and the buzzer sounded just as we hit the table, so I timed it pretty good. We got 26 points, and first place. Although Spot scared me at the start of this run! We walked in to get set up and as we approached the jump, Spot decided to take it while still on leash, and I ended up jerking him back in mid-air and he knocked over the jump. Thankfully he was fine. I guess he was just wanting to do some obstacles!

Then we had to wait a while for Standard to run. We didn't enter because Spot can't do poles yet. The last class of the day was Wildcard. We needed 2 As and 1 B. The first choice was the A frame (B) or the tunnel (A). The second choice was the tire (A) or the double (B) and the final choice was a jump (A) or the weaves (B). We chose the A frame, the tire, and the jump. I lead out to the A frame, and it went really well until the last two jumps, which Spot ran around and I had to call him back. We Q'd and got third place.

On Sunday, we went to the New England Terrier Club earthdog fun day. Spot ran Master and Shelby did IQ. Spot did well in ME, except for removing him (again). He backed up, but then came back and I was able to open the cover and praise him a bit, and then he was actually ready to come out. Shelby did IQ, and I was disappointed, because we took a step back and just did the short straight tunnel. She worked the rats, but not as well as she did at the Gardner practice. So I don't think I'll enter her at Brimfield.

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