Saturday, May 10, 2008

Act-Up Agility trial at Canine Mastery in Seekonk MA

Today Shelby and I entered the Act-Up agility club's CPE trial at Canine Mastery in Seekonk MA. We almost didn't get to enter because of the incident in Jan. The owner of the other dog told the trial secretary he didn't feel safe with Shelby there. Can you believe that? Thankfully I got to tell my side of the story, and there was only one instance where we needed to adjust the running order to keep us apart.

Anyway, we were entered in 2 rounds of Snooker level 1, Wildcard level 2, Fullhouse level 2 and Standard level 1. We Q'd in 1 round of Snooker and in Wildcard. I was so excited to get the Snooker Q! During the second round of Snooker we did the opening no problem but then had an off course at #4, so we ended up being 2 points short. For our Wildcard run, everything was perfect except I cued one jump too late, so Shelby took it the wrong way, but we are allowed one off course. Also, they forgot to put the jumps up to 12 inches, so us and 2 other dogs ended up jumping at 8 inches. They said we could keep our Q or run again. I'll keep the Q, thanks! Not going to press my luck.

Then we had Fullhouse. We did all the requirements, but then we were finishing up and Shelby entered the tunnel under the A frame, and for some reason stopped inside, then came out the entrance, so we didn't complete the tunnel, just the A frame and then time was up, so we were short 2 points for our Q. Bummer!

Then finally it was time for Standard. We were second in the level 1 class. The dog ahead of us pooped in the ring (twice!) and then was zooming around and they couldn't catch it. Shelby's prey instinct kicked in and she was focused on the other dog. I set her up and I thought I had her attention, but then she ran off, so I grabbed the leash and got her back. We didn't even get one jump in. Another bummer!

But I am so glad I went. Everyone was nice, there was no drama, and the weather cleared up in the afternoon. But it was a long day and I'm glad to be done. :-)

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